About Us

lady bug

We never planned on having a farm, and yet we're here

This is the beginning of a new chapter - the last chapter ended November of 2019. Rafael - aka Chipi - passed away at the age of 14. He was born with many medical issues that started us off as young parents with a new mission in life. We dedicated our family, our home, and our professional lives to center his care. Through those tough years we learned how to eschew common expectations to keep each other at the forefront of our days. Our reward were daily smiles that he offered up generously. 

His care had us throw a map open on the table in the summer of 2018 to figure out where we would move to make his health better. After many graphs and cross-tabulations of allergens and particulates, we found the place - Corsicana, Texas! Having lived in Dallas for many years by that point, our friends and family were understandably perplexed by this decision. Nonetheless, we sold our house and moved. Immediately we saw the benefits in his daily health, so we found our new city.

At this point in the story, we still weren't looking for a farm. Instead, we looked for small acreage where we could build a house large enough to house his medical care. From one acre, to seven, we soon landed on our slice of Blackland Prairie - 23 acres! We could make a home here - we could begin raising our own food - we could thrive. 

On adventures with the new 4x4 truck we bought for Chipi (after ditching the minivan) allowed us to visit the land before anything had been done. The impact of the clean air allowed him to be outside for the first time in his life. So we would pitch the canopy, bring the cot, and watch the sunsets together. 

When he left us we were still at the stage of drawing the new house. While we scrapped those big plans, we remained committed to the vision we had of a farm that would be a respite for him, and for all who could visit. So we bought an RV trailer and moved out of the apartment. 

This was the start of La Vida Buena Acres. We hope to pass along the love that we poured into Chipi through the time and food we provide to you and your family. 

- Shanna, Ricardo, & San Rafael

Shanna Romanillos
Ricardo Romanillos